Product Details

VEPAC ELECTRONICS boasts a robust selection of industrial products designed to meet your every requirement. From electronics to machinery, we've got you covered with our versatile options.

SWA Safe Wash

The Safewash range consists of water based cleaning solvents, suitable for the cleaning of PCBs and production equipment. The Safewash products are water-based, non-flammable, 100% ozone friendly, biodegradable solvent blends designed to clean to well within the world’s military cleanliness standards. (ANSI-J-001B/IPC TM-650).

SWA removes all types of flux residues (RA, RMA, no-clean and water-soluble) quickly and efficiently, with minimal environmental effect using low cost, readily available cleaning equipment. It is also suitable for removal of uncured solder pastes and general grease and dust.

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